Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No i didn't die. I just have been real busy. But i did have time today to tell you a story of the ugliest outfit or "uniform" that has ever been made. It goes a little like this. Once upon a time there was a scary teacher of music with hair that never moved. And her name was Mrs. Bea. She was a odd teacher. But this teacher was still stuck in the 70's and made her students wear outfits that would put the MC Hammer to shame. The top was embroidered with roses, where very very short and an off white color. The pants are what she calls Palaso pants, they are black, the students had to wear them all the way up to the waist line and they flowed out at the bottoms. The students hated the uniforms but had no choice to wear them to every concert, in front of every one. Even hockey players. And now everyone was embarrassed to go out to their houses dressed in their outfits. Oh and there was no happily ever after in this story. THE END!!!! thank you for reading my story. god bless! ha ha. it looks okay form these pictures but really it is horrible. really it does you can't even put your arms up or your stomach shows. don't worry not you belly button cause that is all covered up by the pants. YEAH!!!